Sale price90,00 kr


Add elegance and color to your bouquets with our handmade branch with purple leaves. This decorative addition brings a touch of dark purple hue and artistic flair to any bouquet or decorative arrangement.


  • Material: Paper, Metal wire.
  • Height: 62 cm.
  • Weight: 13 grams.
  • Colour: Dark purple.
  • Price: NOK 90

Please note that each branch with purple leaves is unique as they are all handmade with love for detail. The variation in appearance adds authenticity and character to your decoration.


This purple paper branch is versatile and can be used in many ways:

  1. Unique bouquets: Add it to your eternity bouquets to give them a touch of color.
  2. Decorative Projects: Use it as a key component in your DIY decoration projects to create an artistic atmosphere.

  3. Centerpiece: Leave it alone in a vase as an eye-catching centerpiece and create an atmospheric interior.

Care tips:

To preserve the beauty and durability of your purple leafed branch, we recommend:

  • Gentle dusting to remove dirt or dust.
  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent color fading.
  • Keep the product dry, as paper flowers cannot tolerate water or moisture.

Explore Creativity with Purple:

Let our paper branch with dark purple leaves spark creativity in your home. Its deep purple shade and unique design open up countless decoration possibilities in any part of your home. Give your interior a touch of originality and create your own work of art with this handmade paper branch from Paper Flower.

Contribute to the climate

In addition to the paper flowers having a long life, PAPER FLOWER will also contribute to the climate and reduce CO2 emissions by planting new trees. We can therefore offer a product with both a long-term thought, for bouquets and nature.

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